
It's time to talk about Labradoodles. This combination Labrador retreiver and Poodle is an excellent family dog who's often sought out by allergy sufferers because of their minimal shedding. The ever-popular Labradoodle is immensely trainable and, unlike some dogs, a good fit for first time dog owners. On the larger side, these pups can take up some space-but are great with kids and will adapt to their family's lifestyle. The loving, loyal doodles are a fun addition to any family. They're more than happy to play with the baby or play fetch.  Labradoodles are healthy dogs and need exercise, though the amount of running, playing, or swimming might depend on their makeup of Labrador and poodle genes. Like many Labradoodle characteristics, your dog's appearance will depend on the generation you're looking for. To illustrate:  F1 (half Labrador, half poodle), F1b  (75 percent poodle, 25 percent Lab), and F2 (87 percent poodle, 13 percent Lab) Labradoodles. The half-Lab F1s will have longer, wavier hair and will still shed. The F1bs and F2s will have more poodle-esque hair that's tighter, curlier, and generally won't shed. They'll often look like little teddy bears as puppies. Labradoodles are often though of hypo-allergenic even though no dog is truly an allergen-free animal-but generally the F1b and F2 generations are considered better options for some allergy sufferers. Labradoodles puppies have gone on to become therapy dogs, meaning they're calm and affectionate enough to visit schools, hospitals, and rehabilitation centers to offer psychological and physiological support to patients and people in need. Some Labradoodles go on to become service dogs, as the breed creator originally intended.  Labradoodles will often reflect the energy levels of their owner, but they're still descendants of sporting dogs who like having something to do. Whether that means long walks together or playing games in the yard, a Labradoodle will be happiest with any activity he can do with you